Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 6 Saturay

Ok so i was only going to do a 35 min run for saturday but i ended up doing a 3 mile run in 40 min. We were going to Kacie's soccer game at woodscross high so i figured i would run there then kurtis and the kids would just meet me there. so Kurtis agreed and off i went. I was really windy all night a storm was blowing in but at about 9 the wind had died down. I started out at about 9:40am the first mile i thought i was going to die. It was so cold and my legs were dead still so i ended up walking quite a bit of it. I think about halfway though the second mile i finally got into a grove and was feeling so much better. then kurtis called me a few times trying to figure out if we should even attempt to take the kids out in the weather. So after about 4 different calls i decided it probably wasn't a good idea since the wind had kinda picked up again and it was sprinkling. so janet(kurtis' mom was brough me a chair and blanket) I was feeling so good even though i was fighting a really strong head wind until the last 100 yards i turned the corner right on wildcate way and the wind hit me so hard i was going backward a little bit so i ended up walking that last little bit.

i was thinking about running home as the wind was so hard i probably would have made it half the time but it was so stinkin cold i decided that wasn't a good idea. Which was a good idea because it started snowing right after janet took me home.

all in all i felt good about my run now a day of rest to start next week.

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