Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 8 2 1/2 miles

Marathon 10's below Response 20 Above

Ok so kurtis is going on a trip so this will most likely be my last post this week. I'll give you a run down of what my work out schedule is though at the end of this post.

So since kurtis is leaving today his boss is picking him up so he is home till noon. So i got up at 10 to 6am and decided i would do my run without the kids. As i need as much just me training not pushing them as i can get and i honestly thought i would be home before the kids woke up. I am pleased to say i got into a quick grove on this run i think right now my perfect pace song is Bring sally up by Moby. I love running to it perfect beat. I did the 1st mile without stopping. then i walked about 15 yards and started again. I probably could have ran the whole 2nd mile just fine a little slower but i've been taking some medicine drops for my eye and well i guess your eye really is connected to your nose and throat because i kept getting the medicine trickling down my throat. NASTY so i'd kinda choke on it. but the second mile was good when i finished it i still needed to run for about 8 min so i did a little loop around our neighbor hood. I figure i ended up going about 2 1/2 miles in about 28 min. I'm starting to feel pretty good about it.

I'm hoping to get some new running shoes i've had these ones for a little over 2 years and for a while of it i was running 2 miles a day. My shin on my left leg keeps aching so hopefully a new pair of shoes will do the trick. I LOVE my shoes i have so hopefully i'll love the new ones just as much. I'm planning on getting the Adidas Response 20. They seem to have good reviews on runners world. i just wish i could try them on before i get them but i don't think famous has them in stock i'll have to order them. oh well i guess we'll see. Or the Adidas Marthon 10's they get good reviews too and they have them at my store so we'll see what i think.

Wed: 30 min run
thurs: XTrain/rest
Friday: 25 Min Run
Sat: 50 min Run

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 7 Monday

Well i just started working for my cousin one day a weeks so she can have time to go get groceries etc. so today turned into a cross training day. I'm going to be doing and hr of pilate's and i'll do to run days in a row. Quick recover time but hey gotta help when i can. Next week i should be able to sneak a run in before i have to get out there.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 6 Saturay

Ok so i was only going to do a 35 min run for saturday but i ended up doing a 3 mile run in 40 min. We were going to Kacie's soccer game at woodscross high so i figured i would run there then kurtis and the kids would just meet me there. so Kurtis agreed and off i went. I was really windy all night a storm was blowing in but at about 9 the wind had died down. I started out at about 9:40am the first mile i thought i was going to die. It was so cold and my legs were dead still so i ended up walking quite a bit of it. I think about halfway though the second mile i finally got into a grove and was feeling so much better. then kurtis called me a few times trying to figure out if we should even attempt to take the kids out in the weather. So after about 4 different calls i decided it probably wasn't a good idea since the wind had kinda picked up again and it was sprinkling. so janet(kurtis' mom was brough me a chair and blanket) I was feeling so good even though i was fighting a really strong head wind until the last 100 yards i turned the corner right on wildcate way and the wind hit me so hard i was going backward a little bit so i ended up walking that last little bit.

i was thinking about running home as the wind was so hard i probably would have made it half the time but it was so stinkin cold i decided that wasn't a good idea. Which was a good idea because it started snowing right after janet took me home.

all in all i felt good about my run now a day of rest to start next week.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

day 6

ok so today i'm supposed to do a 25 min run i haven't got the guts up to do it yet becuase i think the wind my blow me to never never land. A storm is coming in and i hate running on tread mills or elipticals because i swear you work out for the same amount of time but the distance it tells you is half of what it would be outside. Anyway i'll let you know what i decide.

11/11/11 DAY 5 TRAINING

Ok so yesterday i didn't get to writing. we were going on a hike at antelope island at 9 am but we didn't end up going until like 3pm. but we did go on a round trip like almost 4 mile hike. some parts were pretty much straight up. we were planning on going on another hike but since we didn't get there till 3 this was about the best one we could go on before it got dark. i led the way up and most the way down. only slipped once which is pretty good for me. I tend to slip on the way down on most hikes. anyway was good definatly sweated. don't know that it was better than a run. but it did stretch out my sore muscles and make me feel soooo much better that way. i'm still sore but not like i want to cry when i get up from my chair anymore. We took the kids too. Kyler walked most the way up and most the way down he probably walked about a mile and a half or more but grandpa carried him in a pack the rest of the time. Brooklyn rode on daddy and was a happy as could be.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 4 OUCH!!!!

Ok so thank goodness today is a rest and cross train day.  I am SOOOOOO Sore.  I ended up playing 2 hours of volleyball last night. And normally you don't really move a whole lot in church volleyball but not so last night.  i was sweating like crazy.  anyway after throwing myself all over and using muscles i haven't really used in who knows how long this morning and last night i was dieing.  Plus i couldn't really sleep last night and kyler came in at 6am and wouldn't let us go back to sleep.  ahhhh so tired.  so i'm planing on doing 20 min of pilates today and church ball again tonight as my cross training.  hopefully i'm still alive because tomorrow kurtis the kids and i are going on a hike to antelope island with his parents. should be fun i just hope i can still move so i won't be miserable. 217 day to go can't wait till it gets easier thats what keeps me going. 

Food Log:

Way to much this morning i'm going to be sick i feel like i need to throw up:

2 eggs 2 slices of turkey 2 tortillas you do the math.  i seriously want to throw up shouldn't have ate that much.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 3 Nov 9 RUN FROM H E Double Hockey Sticks

Ok so i wasn't really motivated to get out and run today but i got the kids ready today is a 35 min run. Got everybody in there snow suits with Gloves this time and complete with blankets, hot chocolate, and warm milk.

Get out start the run at 8:16am make the 1st mile in about 12 min not as good as monday but i also did an hour of pilates yesterday and my muscles are a little tired since its the first week. 2nd mile kyler sstarted to whine that he wanted to go to the park as that was where we were going i just kept telling him that. Then he got mad and didn't want me to run just walk because he couldn't sleep. anyway the next mile took probablly like 15-18 min so i still had time to go but with all that happened i was a little emotionally drained and figured i'd let kyler play and then just go harder on the way home and that would make up for it. well as soon as we got to the park kyler had to pee and ended up peeing on my gloves (thank goodness i was wearing gloves) and on his snowsuit pants and his sweat pants. But i figured just let him play for a few min and we'll go home.

Then he only wanted to play for about 5 min and was ready to go home i think he was getting cold but as i was getting him in his seat he saw that his little dollar store air plane fell out somewhere on the way. Oh my so since i told him not to bring it anyway i gave him the option to go straight home and we woud look for it tomorrow or we could go back through our run and see if we could find it... of course he chose to find it. so back we went kyler was whining the WHOLE WAY that he was cold but wouldn't let me turn around. At the end of the 1st quarter mile we found the airplane. Since it would have been the same distance either way we went we just kept trekking the way we came. kyler kept getting mad about me running and then about being cold. he wouldn't drink his hot chocolate and complaning that we found his plane why weren't we going home. Even though i kept telling him we were on our way home. The last quarter mile he all the sudden had to pee again so i sprinted on dead legs till we got home, got his snowsuite off quickly and he pee'd on the front porch.

I'm counting this as my 55 in run for saturday as this took me over an hour and was probably just over 4 miles. so needless to say i'm dead. Lets go for easy cross training tomorrow. Oh by the way brooklyn slept the whole time.

kyler is good now took a bath and had some of grandpa's eggs (grandpa has chickens and gives us eggs) and now is happy as can be. I'm just dead

Oh and i decided to start writing my meals down as insentive to eat better so here's what i've had

7am: apple slices and water

whenever i got done giving him a bath around 9:45am :
1 egg with 2 slices land o frost turkey dash salt, pepper, dill, 1 tsp cream mushroom soup on a 8 in tortilla.

Lunch: 1/4 head of lettuce, 4 slices land o frost turkey, shredded cheese and 2 tbls aisan dressing

snack: 4 tbls strawberry yogurt with 1tbls honey bunches of oats

dinner: 3 oz steak, 1/4 cup green beans, 1/2 cup noodles

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 2 Nov 8

Its cross training today. I was planning on going for a bike ride but i forgot my husband made a place to store our bike and i can't get it out by myself so pilate's it is. I did an hour of a pilate's dvd i have. I worked core and my but and my thighs for an hour i'll probably go for a jog later today too.

So far so good not sore yet thats a good thing right!!! The kids aren't really any help while i work out in the living room i end up shewing them away for the hour i'm working out. anyway only 218 days left.

Monday, November 7, 2011

1st day of Training Nov 7 2011

ok so my computer isn't letting me get pics up yet so i guess maybe we'll get them up tomorrow.


30 MIN RUN....

ok my breakdown of this. Got the kids breakfast made kyler some hot chocolate and brooklyn a nice warm bottle. Got them both in there snow stuff so they wouldn't be cold since we started the run at 8:29. so i ended up going a total of 3 miles today. 2 of which were during my run time the other was my cool down on the way home.

the 1st mile was great i felt great and i only took me 10 min to run 1 mile. lol i say that each kid added 2 min from my ok high school time. the second mile well not so great i decided to rest a little after the 1st mile WHAT A MISTAKE. then i got tired i ended up walk/joggin the 2nd mile and it took me about 12 min then i walked around for a bit at the park to finish my 30 min.

I let kyler play for about 10 min at the park while i played with brooklyn and and my 25 pushi ups that i'm trying to do everyday. then we headed home which is a mile away from the park. i jogged probably half of it so i felt like i did good.

Now i'm just mildly sore as i had to take the mechainic book to Kurtis at work right after we got home so i didn't streatch. Bad bad bad sam. oh well hopefully tomorow goes well i'm planning a bike ride for my cross training. one day down like 219 or something more to go...

Ragnar of Bust

OK so i decided to start this blog as motivation to get me training for Ragnar this summer. My Husbands family had this great idea to run Ragnar as a family next summer so we signed up. It costs $1200. per team of 12 people plus 2 drivers and 2 or 3 volunteers to run this 192 mile 2 day race. I'm actually really excited for it well maybe not really but i am excited. I'm just really really nervous and have a lot of work to do to be ready to run this race.

For those of you who don't know what Ragnar is its not just a flat land race. It takes 2 days, you run in the night and day in whatever weather there is. you run from Logan UT to Park City, UT. up and down hills all over.

So hopeful this blog gives me the incentive to be ready to run on June 15, 2011.

I'm starting just shy of 6 months after i had my second child and at a weight i would rather not talk about. My Goals are:

  1. Lose 40 Lbs.

  2. be able to run at least 7 miles a day

  3. eat better

  4. learn to drink and eat while running

  5. learn how to run correctly for long distance

  6. show my kids that there mom knows how to work hard for a goal.

  7. run Ragnar on June 15 and 16 without having to walk

So off to the Races we go!!!