Tuesday, January 3, 2012

back from the crazy

ok so last week well maybe the last two weeks i wasn't very good about blogging. Kurtis my husband was home from work for christmas and so i didn't really get anything done.  last week i ran tues through friday i was going to run saturday but then didn't so i ran home from church on sunday.  My 7 month old daughter wasn't having it at church so kurtis took her home and since i'd ran to my sister in laws for the BYU game we still had the stroller in the back.  So i sent him home with her and my son and i stayed for the rest of chruch.  I got a few funny looks running home in my church clothes luckily i was wearing flats the only problem was that they kept trying to fall off. but other than that it was good. I haven't run yet today but i am planning on it. I might start running at my husbands work on the DREADMILL because even though there's not any snow its starting to get pretty cold outside.  anyway doing well...

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